Monday, August 23, 2010


So, as of right now I am feeling pretty down.

I just started my, ahem, 9th semester of college. And guess what? I don't have a degree still.

Everyone, including myself, tells me how it's such a good thing that I figured it out before I graduated that Middle School Education isn't what I really want to do, but I can't seem to muster up enough lying to myself to believe it. Even though I am relieved I'm not with that major anymore, I just can't believe that I have acquired enough hours to graduate and I have yet another 2 years ahead of me to attain a bachelor's.

I should be a friggin' doctor. Maybe I will just apply to a hospital and tell them, "Hey, I have enough hours. Just let me operate on someone. I can figure it out."

And yet again, another semester begins with all of my classes requiring pointless, ridiculous, annoying intro speeches. "Tell us where you're from, what you did this summer, an interesting fact about yourself, your favorite color, your social security number, your deepest, darkest secret......blah blah blah".

Ok, maybe the last couple were a lie. But, come on, Teach. Really? Are we 8?

I am just so completely tired of school it is taking every ounce of willpower to NOT just drop out and start working fulltime. The only positive thing about school as of yet is the fact that Justin and I are eligible for over $11,000 worth of grants. Now, that's pretty awesome.

Ok. Enough ranting.

When it all comes down to it, I am finally married to the person that I love!! And we will be done with all of this soon enough.

Catch us in 10 years. We will of course be super rich and famous brewery owners. I will run the coffee/food part, while Justin sweats in the back, stirring huge pots of hops or whatever. Because that's how you brew, right? Ha. Don't tell Justin I said that.

Alright, time to peace out. Adios.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

You can call me Mrs.


Is it not insane that I am a married woman?

Sorry to mislead you into thinking Justin will also actually blog on here. This is what's really gonna happen:

I will (maybe) obsessively/annoyingly update about mine and Justin's newly married life with pictures, whitty narration, etc., etc., while Justin plays Modern Warfare 2. While rolling his eyes.

He will come to appreciate this in due time. Don't worry!

Anyways, like I was saying. Is it not the weirdest thing that I am married?! That Justin and I are finally married?!

It has been over 4 years in the making, and I could not be happier. He really is "The One", pardon my cheesiness.

We just moved into our first place about a week ago. Aside from the first glance thought of "huh, that's kinda ghetto", it's a really lovely little apartment. We have been so blessed to have my parents contribute a house hold's worth of furniture. In general, we are very blessed to have such giving, awesome families and friends!

This is why it makes a sad Becca and Justin to be away at school and away from the majority of our family and friends. Why didn't we know we would be such pathetic home-sick people? However, we have met so many amazing people in Columbia!

For example, Carrie Casper and Christina Neely--this past week's birthday girls! I will post pictures later of the fun party we had at Shiloh's. I love those 2 crazy ladies! And if Justin and I had not moved to Columbia, we never would have met them!

So, in the end, it was for the best to be here for a few years.

Now, here comes the time for some pictures of our new place! Please excuse the bare walls. While they are blindingly white for now, they will be filled in soon enough with lots of wedding pictures!!

Retro stove. Right on.

Pic nook. Now that's a fun thing to say. Pic nook.

So, they got a little out of order, a little crazy. But don't look at me. I'm not the expert blogger, like my sis, Christina. I'm still a work in progress.

I'm off to mess with the template. Look at me, actually thinking I can figure this whole blog thing out.

Catch you on the flip side.